I just did something very fucking stupid

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Australia Rostered Member for Proxiteam September 28 2011 05:31Posts: 117
life, games, uni, and work have not mixed well at all for the last couple of years and I have told myself if i dont get into the uni course i want next year then i am leaving health behind and venturing off into something else. i have less then a month till my final exams, i was told i need a 6GPA for physio, sitting on just under 3 atm :S tho i have never ever applied myself to uni. > example, i have a assignment a week overdue because i cbf'd and i'd rather take back over dwain in the ranks. < half applied myself to sc and am now rank 30 or something in masters... i cant actually wait to see what i can achieve at uni.

so at work today i also concluded i will make one final push for it and make MASSIVE changes, it took alot of alcohol but i just finished deleting/uninstalling every single game/tv over both my systems, i backed up everything, but am going give my portable HDD to the rents so its out of reach,

though you guys wont see me for about 2 months, but come November i am on holidays for like 5months or something and i will prolly be on 12/7 (BF3 will take the other 12/7), but until then guys i will just trololol these forums.

Australia September 28 2011 06:11Posts: 393
Yup good idea nova uni is your priority.
Australia Rostered Member for Proxiteam September 28 2011 06:14Posts: 427
Thought you said you were gonna get grandmaster b4 me son.
Timmy - "Making carriers really is a useful talent toi have!"
Australia Rostered Member for Proxiteam September 28 2011 06:14Posts: 427
Thought you said you were gonna get grandmaster b4 me son.
Timmy - "Making carriers really is a useful talent toi have!"
United States Rostered Member for Proxiteam September 28 2011 10:30Posts: 619
School is always first man. Glad your taking initiative and doing the right thing. We'll be awaiting your return. :).
http://sc2sig.com/s/us/1614629-1.png NEWSWRITER
Australia September 28 2011 17:04Posts: 305
same boat as me brother. hope we can all get finished and have a glorious summer of gaming afterward.
Australia Rostered Member for Proxiteam September 28 2011 17:32Posts: 274
Good decision mate, its easy to let your future fall by the wayside, but the more effort you put in now, the more you will get out of it in the future. You'll forget the sacrifices when you get the results :)
Australia Rostered Member for Proxiteam September 29 2011 04:40Posts: 376
I completely bummed out at school due to addiction to computer games... So good choice mienen freund of the Reich.
I pwn n00bz, and pros too.

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