This past weekend we had our second clan war against clan xO. It went smoothly and no major issues popped up, save for one instance of a minor misunderstanding regarding a little incident of interracial defilement (apparently commenting on orc's rampaging elven settlements is not a proper discussion topic during a pvz ... who knew?).
As for the results, I'll be giving them in two varieties, short form (first) and long form. When I say long, I do mean long, but I'm writing, so it's 'k.
Short form:

prOxiProhan >


prOxiProhan <


prOxiBoldy >


prOxiBoldy >


prOxiBoldy <


prOximaar <


OsPzavcakes >


OsPzavcakes >

Long form:
Game one, on Shattered Temple, began with a solid display of good manner and sportsmanship from our own prOxiProhan towards his zergy opponent.

He's just kidding, he loves you. Except no.
Prohan opened with a forge expand build and did nothing to dispel rumors of protoss being the gayest race as he blocked the zerg's natural with a pylon. Sadly, instead of adopting a live and let live attitiude, xOballerb decided to give in to his homophobia and went for a quick kill via baneling bust. In response, Prohan gave the bloated gasbags a finger wag and an "oh no you dinnt," taking the opener for prOxiteam.
Fus Ro Field!Game two kicked off on Shakuras Plateau with Prohan taking on InfBeyond, a terran, in some cross map goodness. Beyond went for a gasless expansion which Prohan scouted but didn't immediately respond to, giving Beyond an early economic advantage. Beyond immediately tacked on three geysers and teched for cloaked Banshees while Prohan got up to 3 warpgates and a robo. Prohan went blind colossus tech, making largely zeal/sentry and by the time the opening observer scouted the banshee tech, the first plane was hitting the main's probe line, followed almost immediately by a second striking the natural. A combined 17 probe kills left Prohan even farther behind as Beyond added in tanks/marines/more banshees and a raven. After a short pause, terran pushed out and Prohan crashed into it, losing everything and gg'ing shortly thereafter.
From my standpoint, I question going colossi after scouting the base. The robo bay was finished, yes, but still I feel like going tank/templar or using the robo bay to get warp prism speed and harassing with dts or zeal/ht would have been a better choice. Also, it probably wouldn't have made much difference in who won, but if Prohan had held off the last engagement for ~15 seconds, he would have had both zealot speed and colossus range, along with another round of units from the warpgates, which may have made a big difference in that battle.
Game three, on Metalopolis, pitted InfBeyond's reactor helion into cloak banshee build against Boldy's expo into roach/ling rush. But first, some actual good manner!

Everybody loves pedobear!
Boldy's initial attack broke down Beyond's front door, and the ling follow up cleared out almost all of the terran's workers, but Boldy's spores were a little late and a little out of place, leading to his worker line being ravaged by an invisible flyer. At the ten minute mark, the miner count was 17 drones for Boldy and 5 scvs and a pair of mules for Beyond. It's important to note that because of mule imbalance, this presents a roughly even economy.
Yeah, you guys thought I was joking about mule imba. I. Never. Joke.A failed finishing move on both sides lead to a macro game, with banshee/raven attacks being deflected by mutas which were in turn deflected by thors, but Boldy expanded aggressively against the terran's small, harass focused army and that economic lead powered him to victory.
Antiga Shipyard was the arena for game four. Again Boldy faced a Terran opponent. TheAsianDude opted for a 2 rax bunker rush opening but cross positions plus an early drone scout for Boldy meant drones were pulled and ready when Terran got there. Boldy killed off the push, losing only four zerglings, and both sides powered. After a consolidation period, TheAsianDude pushed again, this time with a marine/blue flame helion force, but newly hatched mutalisks along with banelings cleared it out. From there, Boldy simply built up his muta numbers and rolled over the opponent.
On Tal'Darim Altar, Boldy attempted a nydus rush against the protoss, xOTian. It did not go well.
In-between game four and five:
Fight(in call): Boldy should have this if he plays standard.
Boldy(in chat): Cheese incoming!Back on Antiga Shipyard, xOTian, playing zerg, now takes on the one and only prOximaar, that foxiest of men. Standard macro game, but playing solely Skyrim for like 2 months apparently isn't good for your macro - I got rolled.
For game seven, OsPzavcakes picked Shakuras Plateau, pitting his Terran against xOTian's Protoss. Gasless expand vs 1 gate expo into a macro game. Tian went for some warp prism harass along with templar tech, but just as his warp prism headed out, a pair of medivacs unloaded in the protoss main. At the same time, zavcakes hit the front with a small force of m&m&m. Tian held that off easily but his main nexus and a huge chunk of probes died before his army got back to deal with the drop. The warp prism - I didn't forget about it, but Tian did - transformed into a reinforcement point for an immediate counter-attack, but zavcakes's defenses stood firm, albeit narrowly, and Tian retreated; he tried a few more protoss shenanigans, but there's only so much you can do when you're outsupplied by 100.
The first match point returned us to Shakuras, with zavcakes's Terran facing another Protoss, named Vanek, in cross positions on the Plateau. Vanek scouted Terran's gasless expansion and dropped his nexus before core in response. Zavcakes followed up with a 4 rax bunker rush, that worked out quite well. Showing some greed, zavcakes took a third during that aggression and got his barracks count up to eight before adding on a factory.
Holy Tech Labs, Batman!Vanek built some colossi and pushed while taking his third, but zavcakes's early pressure means the Terran mantained the expansion and worker lead, enabling him to hold on despite the tech disadvantage. Vanek set up a small contain, baiting zavcakes into wasting a good chunk of units and evening out the food, and wisely pulled back to consolidate his gains, but he was low on gateways and saw his bankroll skyrocket as zavcakes's army multiplied like rabbits hyped up on carrot coke and viagra. When zavcakes's big push came, Vanek, now sitting on near 2k/2k found himself with an insufficient stalker count (which, incidentally, is a problem you can only have in starcraft and in Hollywood, "God, I don't have enough stalkers!") and watched helpless as viking marauders pillaged his golden beauties (now he knows how my ancestors felt!). In the long standing tradition of sadistic bastards everywhere, after knocking down Vanek's prized laser-shooting tripods and burning down his new mining operation, zavcakes retreated to laugh and put the pictures into a collage which he then set to Rick Astley music and uploaded to Youtube. After achieving 1 million views (roughly one reddit post,) zavcakes takes the game, series and prize for smallest testicles by using a time honored bully manuever: tapping the person on the back of the head (aka, unloading a dropship in the main) to make them turn around and then punching them in the face with a set of brass knuckles (I don't really have to explain this one, do I?).
Thanks to clan xO for the war, would be glad to play you guys again sometimes. Also thanks to everybody who showed up, and congrats to zavcakes and Boldy for taking a pair of games and to Prohan for not choking in game one.
Thanks to you for reading. <3