Proxiteam has existed since 2004. Originally a team playing exclusively StarCraft: Brood War, we now play both Brood War and StarCraft II. Proxiteam has enjoyed much success within its aims over its 6 year existence, having won and lost many clan wars against quality teams both Australian or foreign.
Proxiteam began with myself (Dwain Bunker) and Peter Wheatland. We have been gaming buddies since 2000 when we went to high school together. Our love for the game lead us through many clans together, and also many events including WCG Victoria.
Eventually we decided instead of joining clan after clan together, we would start our own. We came up with the name Proxiteam and immediately recruited good friend Adam Clement (prOxi.Nortydog) who was responsible for me and Peter having moved from money maps to pro maps. Soon after came Kurt Navie (prOxi.tRuK) who has always been a front line member in our clan wars.
We decided to move away from being an Australian-only clan not long after, and have since recruited players from all over the world to much success. Many of these extremely valued players exist with us today.
Many of our members have played for their national teams over the years and have done so whilst donning the proxiteam flag proudly.
Proxiteam has tried many methods of recruitment over the years. From trial games, to plain ol' mass recruiting. We've found after many years that the best test is loyalty. Some of our very best members were recruited not by measure of skill, but simply by their presence being appreciated online. If you spend time with us, both in and here on our website, you will be appreciated. If we think you are a good person to have among us, it will not be a matter of if but when you are recruited.
You may apply for recruitment here.