Proxiteam Game of the Week Episode 45

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United States December 19 2011 18:27Posts: 202
So the other day I check my email and see something unusual. A message from a certain prOxiFight, containing a replay ... and a request. A request for a return of the game of the week. How could I say no?

Sexy TvZ action going down on Shakuras Plateau, with Fight putting on a clinic on how to climb back into a game. Also how to walk into fungal after fungal after fungal, holy fack son. Wanna see it? Then clicky on the linky.

Youtube was kind enough to remove the 15 minute upload limit, which is good because uploading to blip was going to be a complete pain.

Enjoy, or don't, but leave a comment either way and please send me more replays so I can do more games of the week! <3
maarzipan. Melts in your mouth and in your hand. NEWSWRITER
Australia Rostered Member for Proxiteam December 19 2011 19:35Posts: 117
terran is imba, -.-
fight with the insane op drops but the nub 1a army :P

awesome cast man,
this should defs be brought back, just without the T or P being casted ;)
Australia Rostered Member for Proxiteam December 19 2011 22:26Posts: 376

NovaX wrote:

this should defs be brought back, just without the T or P being casted ;)

You'd prefer exclusively ZvZ's casted? I don't care how sexy Maar's voice is, I'd find him and annihilate his voice box.
I pwn n00bz, and pros too.
Australia Rostered Member for Proxiteam December 20 2011 04:01Posts: 427
"The disapointer of women all throughout the Australian outback!"

Timmy - "Making carriers really is a useful talent toi have!"

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