Proxiteam Game of The Week Episode 25

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United States Rostered Member for Proxiteam January 20 2011 22:52Posts: 619
Chyea! Another Game of the week. Going to be uploading 4 more overnight so you can either check my page in a few hours or you can check back here tomorrow; up to you. This is just a small teaser of what I got so far and hopefully you guys enjoy. Feedback appreciated like always. :).

Proxiteam Game of the Week Episode 25

Also, a news post about the upcoming tournament I'll be hosting will be posted tomorrow along with the brand new GOTW's. Enjoy. Off to bed now :). NEWSWRITER
Australia Rostered Member for Proxiteam January 21 2011 00:55Posts: 427
"chopchopchopchopchopchopchopchopchop" bahahaha
Timmy - "Making carriers really is a useful talent toi have!"
Canada January 22 2011 11:12Posts: 132
One base ftw? ;P
I'm strong but I'm wild, they say I drink too much/ The only problem that I have is that I think too much.
Australia January 22 2011 16:56Posts: 23
Bahahahaha it was my second game back from 4 weeks of not playing. And I am not as good as you guys even at my best :P. The pylon at the start is a distraction more than anything, I would have been able to scout, lure him to the pylon, and then put him on the backfoot mentally. I should have expanded when you said, and I should have microed much better when I came in with the first void ray and army to gg then, though I liked my voidray plays (but I should have tried not to lose the first one). Anyways thanks for casting, didnt expect to be cast when I sent it to you (as I expressed in the email) and thanks for the hints and tips along the way, I will try and show some better games in the upcoming tourney of ours ^_^
Australia January 22 2011 18:59Posts: 225
nice stuff

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