[Applicant] TheSouthLord

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Australia July 04 2011 18:31Posts: 41
Hi guys,

My name is Josh and I'm an Aussie. I have been considering applying for Proxi for a while because after our failed attempt at starting a clan of our own, Prohan, Ingenius, Odin and Havoc all applyed. Since then I have spent some time in the friendly proxi channel and have decided its worth applying.

I'm a reasonably high diamond protoss and am pretty confident that I will be able to reach masters soon. I would love to play some 1s with anybody, providing they are willing to do a little bit of an analysis once we finish.

My character code is TheSouthLord.342 on both the NA and SEA servers so feel free to add me and say hi.

Thanks guys.
United States July 04 2011 18:37Posts: 63
Yo southy nice to see you apply also :)
Australia Rostered Member for Proxiteam July 04 2011 20:35Posts: 376

TheSouthLord wrote:

after our failed attempt at starting a clan of our own, Prohan, Ingenius, Odin and Havoc all applyed.

I didn't realise I was actually in your clan :S

Good luck, you know where I'm at.
I pwn n00bz, and pros too.
Australia July 04 2011 20:48Posts: 215
So many protoss players in Team Applicant list now.
United States Rostered Member for Proxiteam July 04 2011 20:54Posts: 619
Welcome to the site and I seen you in the channel a few times already. =). Msg me for any games whenever you want. Cheers.
http://sc2sig.com/s/us/1614629-1.png NEWSWRITER
Australia Rostered Member for Proxiteam July 05 2011 17:19Posts: 1000

TheSouthLord wrote:


TheSouthLord wrote:

masters soon

no shit....

aka swAMi. Melbourne! ADMIN
Australia July 06 2011 00:00Posts: 27
yay another toss player :D, msg me for some games whenever, prOxiSniper.996

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