Proxiteam Game of the Week Episode 3

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United States September 11 2010 22:29Posts: 202
This third installment of the Game of the Week segment involves Luckysword, one of prOxiteam's oldest members, being one of the clan's founders. The action goes down on Scrap Station, where Luckysword pits his brave Terran forces against a squad of rogue humans. No points for figuring out the winning race in advance.

As always, feedback is greatly appreciated. And don't forget to send in your great games for the chance at a spot in future episodes!
maarzipan. Melts in your mouth and in your hand. NEWSWRITER
United States September 11 2010 22:33Posts: 202
Just a quick note: the embed code from for this particular episode includes a "%" sign, which borks the pteam site embed code. To get around this, I embedded the "grab newest episode" player, so the above video will change with future uploads.

Also, sorry for the delay but I lost a lot of time trying to get Camtasia to encode in a more pleasant format. I met with no success. ;(
maarzipan. Melts in your mouth and in your hand. NEWSWRITER
Australia September 12 2010 03:23Posts: 99

maareek wrote:

Just a quick note: the embed code from for this particular episode includes a "%" sign, which borks the pteam site embed code. To get around this, I embedded the "grab newest episode" player, so the above video will change with future uploads.

Fixed your embed link. The problem URL contained %2B, which is actually +, so I just substituted that in, and bingo! is trying to be nice by percent encoding URLs for you, but the unencoded version seems to work okay, so I'll use it as a workaround for now.

EDIT: That said, the %2B thing should have worked, so I'm looking into it. I think I've figured it out. Keep an eye on this thread if you want to see when it's fixed.
Charity, if you have the means, is a personal choice, but charity which is expected or compelled is simply a polite word for slavery. ADMIN
Australia Rostered Member for Proxiteam September 12 2010 19:28Posts: 1000
Just watched it, nice work! I wish you didn't miss the part where I finally attack the tank/rine army lol. But great work, gave me something to watch while I'm at home sick with a cold :(
aka swAMi. Melbourne! ADMIN
Australia September 12 2010 21:05Posts: 99
Great cast Maar, I really enjoyed it.
Charity, if you have the means, is a personal choice, but charity which is expected or compelled is simply a polite word for slavery. ADMIN
United States Rostered Member for Proxiteam September 13 2010 09:34Posts: 619
Maar you sexy freakin beast. NEWSWRITER
Australia Rostered Member for Proxiteam September 14 2010 02:12Posts: 427
Interesting game and nice cast Maar :D
Timmy - "Making carriers really is a useful talent toi have!"
Australia September 14 2010 21:24Posts: 225
Nice cast. Dwain you nub almost lost that game!
Australia September 15 2010 05:34Posts: 18
Not a bad game at all, some nice play. Room to improve on but a good cast overall.
Within the perfect architecture of thought, Logic may often provide the structure -- but from emotion came the inspiration.
Australia September 15 2010 23:03Posts: 225
Humble request: can you please additionally upload this video in a lower quality/smaller file size video? 400+ Mb takes a massive chuck out of my monthly limit. Plus I'm mostly listening to your crazy accent, not the incredible detail of the video ;D
Australia September 16 2010 01:18Posts: 99

NapE wrote:

400+ Mb takes a massive chuck out of my monthly limit.

What plan are you on that gives you such a crappy limit? Even Optus has 120GB (total) plans now...
Charity, if you have the means, is a personal choice, but charity which is expected or compelled is simply a polite word for slavery. ADMIN
Australia September 16 2010 05:30Posts: 225
I run a laptop with a Telstra USB wireless broadband thingy. Costs me $80 a month for 6GB (just upped it from $50 for 3gb) - but I need the mobility.
Australia September 16 2010 06:13Posts: 18
Holy FUCK me... you're being ripped of mate.

#1 provider!
Within the perfect architecture of thought, Logic may often provide the structure -- but from emotion came the inspiration.
Australia Rostered Member for Proxiteam September 16 2010 07:32Posts: 1000

InspyrdONE wrote:

Holy FUCK me... you're being ripped of mate.

#1 provider!

This isn't just normal internet. As he said, he uses a wireless broadband stick. These are in general a lot more expensive than normal land-line internet (regardless of provider) and Telstra is probably worth paying the premium for in Nape's particular case because I know he frequents Outback Australia which only Telstra could possibly provide reliable coverage for.
aka swAMi. Melbourne! ADMIN
Australia September 16 2010 08:36Posts: 99

LuckySword wrote:

I know he frequents Outback Australia

Are you being facetious or does he actually live in the ultimate sticks... instead of just a really really really shit suburb that doesn't have any sort of landline (they exist; Mawson Lakes in Adelaide couldn't even get ADSL last I heard, because of the way the phone lines were set up).
Charity, if you have the means, is a personal choice, but charity which is expected or compelled is simply a polite word for slavery. ADMIN
United States September 16 2010 12:49Posts: 202
AFAIK, Nape really gets around. And I don't mean in the same fashion as Jarc's mama. Though now that I think about it, he may get around that way too. It would explain the constant moving: you tell a girl you love her for a few hours then, after a night of lovely debauchery, take off with her wallet, keys and covers and they get kinda miffed. But seriously, from what I remember he drops more hatcheries than Idra on Metalopolis nomsain.

I'll see what I can do, Nape. If you really don't care about the image quality, I'll probably start with dropping to 360p from 720p and see where that gets us. You'll probably need to wait a little bit after I get the vids uploaded for me to get the second file uploaded (I live in the middle of nowhere and have pretty anemic upload speeds [rated at ~300kbps]) but a lot of the time I just let the file upload while I'm sleeping so I may be able to have them both available at the same time for the most part. Processing the vids really doesn't take too long - it shouldn't with what I paid for this computer; it's the uploading that eats up a few hours.

If worse comes to worst, though, I could probably just rip the audio from the video and you can listen to me while watching w/e you want. ;p I think maar commentary while watching two kangaroos fighting would be especially good. ;)
maarzipan. Melts in your mouth and in your hand. NEWSWRITER
Australia September 16 2010 16:52Posts: 18
We only just got ADSL+2 in VictorHabor, SA this year.

Within the perfect architecture of thought, Logic may often provide the structure -- but from emotion came the inspiration.
Australia Rostered Member for Proxiteam September 16 2010 16:56Posts: 1000
By teh way, InspyrdONE, do we know you from Brood War at all? I'm struggling to recall a Zac .. Welcome to the site btw :)
aka swAMi. Melbourne! ADMIN
Australia September 17 2010 00:59Posts: 18
I was hoping someone would notice a new poster on here, abit of background on me i guess is warranted.

1998- Started SC in May for my birthday.
Started playing Melee Ladder till mid 2000 where i then transitioned into Map Making and Loading/Botting and programming. Continued playing until mid 2003 after which i got into cs1.6 and went competitive with that.

Accomplishments - SC:BW SA 1999 Typhoon Winner (#1 Protoss in SA)
SC:BW SA 1999 Valhalla Pool Qualifier (placed #3rd overall to goto Melb)
SC:BW SA 2000 King of the Hill (intel open #1 protoss again)
Custom Maps Created - Flourish Bound, Intercept Bound, Visual Bound.
Worked on - Level Up Bound with Mp(U)
Leader of - StrayBullet (USWest) and Clan =AoD= (USEast)

Programming on SCBW was more bot based helping in creation of both (Flawed Bot and SexyOps)
Beta and Alpha testing of the original StealthBot before Denial ruined the BNLS system.

Having a long break from SC going to CS1.6 then to WoW (Barthilas - Schism to Gigantor to Street Cred) now playing since first wave of beta as Terran and since release playing as Zerg.

:) You guys probly wouldnt recall me as i was only around bnet the early days.
USWest was op ])ar]( and op Ownage.
USEast was op ]FBP[ op [vL]

^^. Just a friendly face looking for a team/scrim setup on SC2.

Oh too add i played under the names.

Within the perfect architecture of thought, Logic may often provide the structure -- but from emotion came the inspiration.
Australia September 17 2010 05:52Posts: 225
Rofl, first StarCraft resume I've ever seen ;D
F add on bnet, look forward to more games.

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