Proxiteam Game of the Week Episode 8

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United States October 16 2010 00:31Posts: 202
Considering a relative dearth of replays (and by "relative dearth" I mean send me your freakin' reps, people) and a few nights of glorious 4v4ing, I decided to go a little different avenue this Game of the Week. No in-depth 1v1 analysis, instead we take a look at one of the more entertaining 4v4s that have gone down this week for good old proxiteam. Making an appearance today is team "why play for rela," made up of myself, FighT, NapE and Bobo.

A low-res version can be found here.

As always, feedback is very much welcomed.
maarzipan. Melts in your mouth and in your hand. NEWSWRITER
Australia Rostered Member for Proxiteam October 16 2010 06:14Posts: 427
LMAO! This game is the most hilarious game ever played. It was so hilarious how many times SoYer lost his base, bahahaha we just couldnt kill him. Also nape telling us he didnt need a bunker to deal with the canon rush and then getting owned by it almost made me die of laughter. Bobo's mass probe recall was a pimpest play for sure, hahaha <3 bobo. How we won that when bobo maxed on probes and a mothership while nape got canon rushed is beyond me. I also love how yellow left the game and then green took full control of yellow's stuff. Worked out well for them ya know, "Let's ban the lagger and sacrifice our middle base so the dead player can control another dead player" . Hahaha, at least they werent as vulnerable to attacks after that :D. This game is one for the highlight reel thats for sure. Was so much fun playing and chatting with you guys during this game. I laughed so much during this game and even more during this cast. Thanks Maar for bringing that laughter back again :D

Also just an interesting/funny stat from that game. Nape, despite being canon rushed and losing 2/3 of his workers in the early game, actually mined the most resource out of any1 in that game including the opposition. How wacky is that? lmao xD
Timmy - "Making carriers really is a useful talent toi have!"
Australia October 16 2010 18:52Posts: 225
That was hilarious! Cheers again for the low-res. More crazy games to come no doubt!

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